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The LDS Life
Coach For Anyone  

Dealing With Divorce

Jenn Zingmark, LDS Divorce

If you are dealing with divorce get the support, tools, and encouragement you need to create the joy-filled life you dream of. Join me in Faith Filled Divorce!

Hi there, I'm Jenn


I am a Christian woman, wife and mother of five children. I know from personal experience how difficult it can be to keep your faith and have hope for the future while dealing with divorce. At one time, I was a single mom with three young children. It's difficult to continue raising your children, keep it together, maintain your self-confidence and find happiness in your life. It IS possible! I help anyone dealing with divorce. I can offer hope, healing, and happiness no matter what your circumstances are.

I can help you find joy in your journey!

Talk to someone who gets you?

Like you, I’ve been through divorce. I’ve navigated the difficult route you’re now traveling on. I work with faith filled men and women maneuvering the challenges of life while dealing with divorce in any stage… I fully relate to your desire to remain faithful to God and fulfill His plan for your life when YOUR plans have failed! I’ve got you!

4 Ways to move from hurt to healing
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